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9 Fall Events You Should Put On Your Calendar Right Now

Updated with 2019 dates

The fall season might just be the peninsula’s best-kept secret! Fewer crowds and incredible weather are reason enough to plan a fall escape. But if you’re looking for more excitement, here are nine fall events you should put on the calendar right now!

Book your stay now. Lodging fills up quickly for these annual events!


  1. Come Play on Labor Day – Aug. 30-Sept. 2

Come Play on Labor Day in South Bend is an early autumn celebration packed with exciting events! Live music, oyster bars, parades, fireworks, and competitions are just a few activities to look forward to.

The full schedule of events is available at the Visitors Bureau.

  1. Ilwaco Slow Drag – Sept. 6

What’s a Slow Drag? We’re glad you asked! Drivers go two at a time and rev up to the start line. From there, they have to keep their feet away from the pedals and coast to the end of the long course. Slow and steady wins the race!

These beautiful cars get creative (think flopping car doors and umbrellas), and spectators are in for a rip-roaring good time.

  1. Rod Run to the End of the World – Sept. 7-8

Do acres of hot rods and classic cars sound like a dream come true? Rod Run packs the peninsula with sweet rides for two full days. This is premier Northwest car show and sellout event. Book now to join the fun.

The 2018 schedule of events is available at the Visitors Bureau.

Know before you go: no pets are allowed at this event, and they ask that you bring a can of food for the local food bank!

  1. Peninsula Rhythm & Blues Festival – Sept. 13-14

Pack your lawn chairs and head to the peninsula for a weekend of great music, food, beer, and wine. The R&B Festival evolved from Blues & Seafood in Ilwaco. Their new location is at the Port of Peninsula in the cozy village of Nahcotta and features beautiful views of Willapa Bay and a stage that looks like an Oyster scow.

Tickets and information can be found on their website.

  1. Wild Mushroom Celebration – Oct. 1 through Nov. 15

The peninsula provides the perfect environment for delicious, edible mushroom. Each year, we celebrate these delicious fungi with workshops, guided hikes, culinary creations, and lodging specials.

As fall draws closer, look for a full listing of events here.

  1. Books at the Beach Author Showcase – Oct. 5

This showcase and book fair features talented Pacific Northwest writers. From cookbooks and history to fiction and books on Lewis and Clark, you’ll find a little bit of everything.

Plus, you’ll have the chance to get your copy autographed!

  1. Water Music Festival – Oct. 11-13

The annual Water Music Festival feature a new theme each year at gorgeous venues like the Inn at Harbour Village, the Oysterville Church, and Eagle’s Nest Resort.

Check their website for updates as the event gets closer here and book your stay.

  1. Cranberrian Fair – Oct. 12-13

Celebrate the peninsula’s renowned cranberry heritage during the annual Cranberrian Fair!

Watch live demonstrations of graceful wet harvests, try the delicious cranberry peach pie, dried cranberries, and browse handmade items by local artists. Live demonstrations from local artisans, like blacksmiths and rug hookers, are another highlight of this event.

Admission is only $5 and includes a collectible Cranberrian Fair button.

  1. Great Columbia Crossing 10k – Oct. 13

Run or walk across the second longest truss bridge in the world, the Astoria Megler Bridge! The Great Columbia Crossing 10k is the one time a year you can cross the bridge on foot. It’s worth it just for the incredible views.


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